10 Decorating Mistakes That Make Your Home Look Messy
Everyone knows that the key to a livable, functioning home is to first keep it clutter-free. But if your cabinets and closets are perfectly organized and your home still feels disheveled, mini design mistakes could be to blame. Adjusting just a few things you may not have previously considered may very well be the key to a settled, visually stunning, and organized home. Small accents, like tabletop décor, art, and your tech gear (and dreaded cables!) all add up to a negative or positive influence on a room. So to help you conquer the nuance and nitty-gritty of organized home design, we’ve corralled some do’s and don’ts, and inspiration photos of particularly beautiful, orderly rooms.
Using Too Many Accent Pillows
Brian Woodcock; Styling: Page Mullins
While accent pillows are a great way to add color and pattern into your room design, overdoing it with too many pillows can make for a busy, unkempt look. Keep the accents pillows to a minimum and incorporate the principle of quality over quantity when choosing which pillows to add to your home.
Forgetting to Maximize Natural Light
Having too much low lighting makes your home look dark, which in turn can make your rooms feel cramped and even dull. Without proper lighting, our eyes can struggle to understand the dimensions of a room and create for a rather uninviting vibe. Be sure to use any natural light that comes into your house to your advantage, and if you have a room that doesn’t allow for much natural light, use light and neutral furnishing to keep it as bright as possible.
Hanging Short Curtains or Drapes
Curtains and drapes can be used in a home for both aesthetic and practical purposes. When you hang a curtain rod over windows and the curtains are too short, it can make the room look much smaller than it really is, and it just creates an overall awkward look. Be sure to buy curtains that are the proper length for your wall size — most home dimensions are standard sizes you can find without having to buy customs.
Overstuffing a Room
First, of course, are the largest objects in a room: the furniture. The two things to think about here are scale and placement. Furniture that is too large for a room overwhelms it; ensure your furniture is appropriate for your room size and the other pieces in that room. Next, allow some furniture to float. Having all your pieces shoved against walls disallows natural flow through the room.
Not Considering Your Textiles
Next, think about textiles. Ill-fitted slipcovers guarantee a messy look. Neatly fold and smooth out throw blankets. And last but certainly not least, carefully fluff throw pillows. Check out design and style expert Phoebe Howard’s guide to arranging sofa pillows.
Neglecting the Entry
This is the first space guests will see. It should be inviting, functional, and a representation of your family’s home. One of our favorite tips? “My mother always had a red Oriental rug in our front hall to take Virginia’s dark red clay soil off your feet,” says Bunny Williams. “She’d say, ‘Look at the color of your soil, and get a rug with that background.’ ”
Ignoring TVs and Other Technology
Tech cables, cords, and plugs are the bane of contemporary existence: You can’t live with them, and you certainly can’t live without them. But you can hide them. Tuck the TV away in an armoire, or arrange a gallery wall around it to keep it from feeling like a black hole in the space.
Skimping on Rug Size
An appropriately sized rug can make a room feel polished and sometimes even bigger than it is. While smaller rug sizes can be much cheaper, splurging for the 8×10, 9×12, or the largest size appropriate for your space can save you in the long run. The right size rug, plus thoughtful furniture placement, adds up to a clean, pulled-together room.
Not Choosing Wall Decor Wisely
A gallery wall is a smart move for bringing color and interest to any room in the house. The trick to making it work? Break out the measuring tape and position them in a tidy layout. Hanging your art and photos haphazardly is a quick way to make your collection feel more chaotic than inspiring.
Bringing in Too Many Colors
While we’ll always love a home filled with happy hues, there is such thing as too much of a good thing. When considering paint colors and fabrics, pick a mix of shades and patterns that complement each other, rather than ones that compete for your attention.